5 Ways To Be More Grateful

3 min readMay 21, 2016


With all of the craziness we experience in our day-to-day lives it comes to no surprise that we sometimes get a little stressed or overwhelmed. There are many different ways we can try to handle all of the things life throws at us, but one of the easiest and most effective ways we can do that is by expressing gratitude. Aside from making us happier there are many life benefits of gratitude.

How To Express Gratitude

  1. Write 3 Things You Are Grateful For- I recommend writing in a journal or on little notes to put in a jar. That way you can go back to them when you need a little reminder if you are having a bad day. I like doing this first thing in the morning, but some people like to reflect on the good things that happened before going to bed. It’s a great way to shift your focus on to something positive and get you in a great mood to prepare for your day or for a great nights rest (count blessings not sheep).
  2. Mental Subtraction- Think of something or someone important to you. Think of how that thing or person makes you feel and why they are important to you. Now imagine what your life would be like if that thing or person no longer existed. Then, reflect upon the benefits of having these blessings and remind yourself of how fortunate you are.
  3. Write A Personalized Letter- Handwrite a thank you letter to someone that has impacted your life in a positive way. Something about someone taking the time out of their busy day to write down their appreciation is very special and more meaningful than an email or text message. Be specific.
  4. Affirmations of Gratitude- An affirmation is a statement intended to provide encouragement, emotional support, or motivation. Speaking words of gratitude out loud is a great way to remind yourself of all of the wonderful things you have in life. I like to keep a list of my affirmations written down and read them everyday.
  5. Give Back- Perhaps my favorite method of gratitude expression. There is no greater way to be thankful for receiving blessings than to show our appreciation by doing the same for others. Put back in to the world what you have received. Do favors for people, buy a random person coffee, hold the door open for everyone, and help people with their problems. It is a blessing to be a blessing. Give everyone around you new reasons to be grateful so they can do the same.

It is not enough to just simply do these things. To be truly grateful we must live a life full of gratitude. By doing so, the ripple effects into our surroundings can start to become even better. Your relationships will flourish because more and more people will want to be around you.

To read more on how expressing gratitude can change your life, click here.

We all have the power to change the world. Maybe not directly, but we might be able to change the world for one person. A change in one is a change in all.

